
Monday 5 October 2015

All the colours of autumn

I took a beginners' birdwatching class round Edinburgh Botanic Gardens today, always a good place to see birds. We started at the pond, which is a perfect place to start as water birds tend to stay relatively still. We saw plenty of birds too, I think people were most impressed by the grey heron and the grey wagtail.

I sneaked back into the gardens after class to take some photos - firstly of the orange peel fungus, which is still very small but already quite impressive and certainly a beautiful colour

Then I found these gentians,with the wonderful patterns on the buds and on the outside of the open flowers

I also met this rather handsome cat!


  1. Gentian is one of the bitterest flavours out there, heard that on Radio 4 yesterday. Love the orange peel fungus, we are all about boring brown things here

  2. Im amazed at that beautiful fungus -- I thought it was a plant at first glance. And the gentians are so gorgeous. Lovely lovely walk (and again, I wish I could be in your birding class!)

  3. What a lovely time! I am envious of that class. And I've never seen a gentian - just beautiful - as is that kitty.


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