
Monday 21 September 2015

More Upcycled Jewellery

I've been making quite a lot of jewellery recently! I made three pairs of these earrings, one pair for a friend, another for her girlfriend and another for the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop (you can see it here).

I've also made a couple of these bracelets, one of which is now in my Etsy shop here.

More to come, including bookmarks too.


  1. I admire people so much who are good with their hands. I'm so utterly klutzy

  2. Hello, you are creative! Lovely pieces of jewelry! Have a happy day and new week ahead!

  3. Lovely colours in the top pair you show here ...

    All the best Jan

  4. Anonymous5:06 am

    very nice work!


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