
Wednesday 9 September 2015

Autumnal flowers

sow thistle turning to seed
scentless mayweed 

I also saw my first snow bunting of the season along the John Muir Walkway in Musselburgh, near to where I took the two photos above. Actually it's a while since I've seen snow buntings here, hope there are more of them this autumn/winter. 


  1. They are lovely little birds, aren't they?!

  2. I'm dreading it....cycling in snow and ice never much my idea of fun

  3. Congrats on the Snow Bunting, it is a pretty bird. Is this early for the Snow Bunting to be seen? The Mayweed is pretty. Have a happy day!

  4. Do hope you may get to see more snow buntings!

    Autumn is such a lovely time of year, always plenty to see.

    All the best Jan

  5. The sun makes pretty colors for photography this time of year in the northern Hemisphere! I do not think we have snow buntings here ...

  6. Is that a sign that the seasons are changing? I can't wait to see such signs here, I'm ready for cooler (and less humid) weather.

  7. Just lovely - I am looking forward to fall.


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