
Saturday 26 September 2015

Autumn in the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens

It definitely felt like autumn in the Botanics and the nearby Inverleith Park today!

Plenty of fungi around

 We were very impressed by this bromelliad

It was warm enough to have coffee and cake in the open air outside the Botanics cafe, where we made friends with this robin

and this (rather scruffy) magpie

In the Inverleith Pond, this moorhen allowed me to take its photo


  1. Hello, pretty images from your walk around the gardens. I love all the birds, your robin is adorable. Have a happy weekend!

  2. I love your mushrooms, beautiful.

  3. Thanks for those lovely images. I really enjoyed them! :-)

    Greetings from London.

  4. Thanks for sharing your walk in the Botanic Gardens, all beautiful pictures!

  5. I did enjoy this post ... thank you.
    Lovely pictures to look at

    All the best Jan


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