
Friday 28 August 2015

More from Peebles

Just a couple more things from Peebles.

We saw very few rabbits on our trip, but we saw lots of evidence of them, including several entrances to warrens, including this one

We also liked this display of planters, made from upcycled tyres (tyres are incredibly non-biodegradable, so its always good to see them being put to another use once they're no longer safe to drive with).

I'm also still sorting through my photos of hoverflies from the trip, looks like there's a lot of species there (some of which I've identified (using this page) and some of which I've asked the UK Hoverflies Facebook Page to identify) so I may well include them all in a separate blog post in a few days time!


  1. Hello, the rabbit hole looks huge. Almost like a cave. I am not a fan of the Minions but the planter are cute and a neat way to recycle. Have a happy weekend!

  2. I have heard of planting potatoes in a stack of two "tyres" (tires) and when they get growing up well, then add another tire with dirt and keep adding with dirt as they grow - the potatoes grow off the stalks as they go up - so you get a lot of potatoes for a little footprint! (I have not tried it.)

  3. Hi Eileen, I think the hole looks bigger because there's not much in the photo to give it scale!

    Rabbits Guy - I've heard of that way of planting potatoes too

  4. Bet those Minion tyres are popular ... good idea!

    Great photo of the warren, it does look big.

    All the best Jan

  5. Bet those Minion tyres are popular ... good idea!

    Great photo of the warren, it does look big.

    All the best Jan


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