
Saturday 22 August 2015

Arthur's Seat

The water lilies by the old Scottish Widows office near Arthurs Seat are lovely just now

and the carp are looking beautiful too

It's distinctly late summer on Arthurs Seat itself

and the common carder bees are enjoying the last of the vipers bugloss flowers

We enjoyed watching three kestrels hovering above the hill, but no photos of these.


  1. No more shall we see the graceful Scottish widows upon our screens, although they were never as good after Amanda Lamb. Looks pretty up there, years since I last came across a carp pond.

  2. Pretty flowers, I love the waterlilies! Happy Sunday, enjoy your new week!

  3. Those waterlilies look great and nice size carp in the pond. My husband, Eddie, likes to fish and belongs to a fishing club where different size carp are waiting to be caught, and of course always put back.

    Hope your weekend is going well.

    All the best Jan

  4. Water lilies so pretty.

  5. Hi Juliet,
    Delicate pink waterlillies. Lovely. Really nice photo of Arthur's Seat wearing a late summer halo of purple.
    :) m & jb


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