
Thursday 25 June 2015

Lochend Park

Today, I got an early bus to the writing group in Lochend so I could walk round the park.

I wanted to see the yellow flag irises which are always lovely here at this time of year

But the real attraction today were the waterbirds and their youngsters

The mute swan cygnets are adorable

and so are the mallard ducklings

while this young coot is just about growing into it's feet

For 30 Days Wild


  1. The yellow irises are pretty and I like all the waterfowl. Pretty swans and the Coot has neat looking feet. Have a happy day!

  2. Had no idea about the size of youngcootfeets!

  3. The Yellow Flags are lovely but the swan babies are a a treat!

  4. very pretty and sweet waterfowl, too.

  5. Nice post, lovely photos. I can't believe how big that coot's feet are lol. Lochend Park looks a great place to walk.

  6. pond in summer
    when does a duckling know
    it will be a duck


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