
Saturday 13 June 2015

Colour on a dull day

Our recent three days of warm sunshine came to an end yesterday and tlday has been dull and cool. We walked through town to Inverleith Park where we met this handsome grey heron

Swallows, sand martins and house martins were chasing each other low over the pond. Crafty Green Boyfriend caught this swallow having a rest

As we walked along the path through the park, it was wonderful to be surrounded by swallows flying low at top speed round us. Again it was Crafty Green Boyfriend who captured the moment

We then walked through the Edinburgh Botanic Gardens. Many of the rhododendrons and azaleas are past their best, but they're still a wonderful mass of colours

and we saw a tree bumblebee! I only saw my first tree bumble bee earlier this week and this is the third I've seen (one in Colinton Dell, one up Corstorphine Hill and now one in the Botanics). The tree bumblebee is expanding its range and moving into Scotland. A very handsome bee it is too.

As well as the rhododendrons and azaleas, the irises are in full bloom at the minute

We were also pleased to see a robin (though it didn't come close enough for a good photo) and we congratulated it for recently being voted the UK National Bird

 The Colours of Nature for 30 Days Wild


  1. really beautiful shots. love the herons and bug-eating swallows. :)

  2. I love the pretty heron shot! And your flowers are gorgeous, the iris is one of my favorites. I have a tough time getting a swallow shot, they fly so quickly. Happy weekend!

  3. Nice shots. Despite it being dull and cool it looks like you've had a nice walk.

  4. Such pretty Rhodys and Azaleas still. Ours here are done for a week or more now!

  5. All very beautiful pictures, what a pleasant walk!

  6. Although having past their best, they still look so beautiful.

  7. How pleasant and cheerful to find so much colour on a dull day!


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