
Friday 17 April 2015

This Good Box 2

I was delighted today to receive my second parcel from This Good Box, an ethical subscription service in the UK. The parcel was part of their trial to find out what people think of their service before their official launch in Spring 2015. You can read what i thought iof the first preview parcel here.

Today's parcel has a Spring theme and came appropriately brightly wrapped in a yellow gift bag.

It contains:

a fair-trade pineapple and cashew bar from Tropical Wholefoods, which will go well with my coffee next time I'm birdwatching from the hides at Musselburgh Lagoons. Tropical Wholefoods have a great selection of snack bars and other tasty things.

a beeswax candle from Filberts of Dorset - brilliantly reading my mind as Crafty Green Boyfriend and I yesterday pledged to in future only buy beeswax or soya candles. (Last time The Good Box read my mind by sending me lip balm just as i was about to buy some more).

A seed ball full of bee friendly wildflower seeds from Seed Balls. As we don't have a real garden ourselves, I'm going to pass this on to someone I think will really appreciate it.

a fairtrade strawberry felt broock from Amica Accessories, who have a lovely range of stock (though they only have dogs in their felt animal section!)

And finally a selection of stickers with positive messages.....

So thanks again to The Good Box and I look forward to enjoying and sharing all the goodies.


  1. Fun fun! I really need to sign up for one of these.. -

  2. Seems like a wee bit of Scotch Whiskey (just for warmth in the hides of course)could be in there!

  3. This is an interesting marketing ploy and promotes some novelty but good items.


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