
Wednesday 22 April 2015

Sea pottery rings

As you may know, I love sea pottery and sea glass and I have a small collection of pieces from across Scotland. Given I'm unlikley to use it all myself, some is on sale in the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop.

I've long thought that some of the pieces would make beautiful rings and the other day I bought some ring bases from the local bead supply shop. This photo shows just some of the sea pottery pieces alongside the ring bases...

The first ring turned out quite nicely

and once I'd sorted out a few details I quickly made a few more

several of which are now on sale in the jewellery section of the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks which take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. that's really neat!

  2. is this "see pottery" glass that has been smoother from being washed in the ocean?

  3. Hi sage, no it's pottery that's been smoothed by the ocean. A separate category from sea glass

  4. Especially like the green and white one, but they are all lovely yo look at.

  5. sea glass
    what I always wanted
    to be



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