
Monday 20 April 2015

Birdsong and blooms

Colinton Dell was full of the joys of Spring this morning. Everywhere is vibrant with wild garlic

which is just starting to come into flower

in some places unfortunately few flowered leek, which is invasive, is starting to compete with the wild garlic

I find the flowers of few flowered leek to be fascinatingly odd

A possible way to prevent few flowered leek from taking over is to pick it and eat it (though taking care to wash the plant carefully) while leaving the wild garlic.

The first blue bells are in flower now

as are the wood anemones, there's just this one patch of them in Colinton dell, but the patch does seem to be extending

The larch trees are starting to flower too, such lovely flowers, you may remember last year I studied the development of the larch flower as it became a cone. This is the flower today

The birds were singing loudly, specially the wrens. I love atching wrens sing, they put so much energy into their song that their whole body vibrates. Our smallest bird and one of our loudest birdsongs!

For Nature Notes

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more


  1. Hello, I just love all the green..And the larch flower/cone is pretty.. Have a happy new week ahead!

  2. Hi Juliet,
    Just yesterday I read a recipe for wild garlic pesto. Do you cook with wild garlic?
    :) m & jb who prefers tall fescue

  3. Hi Maureen, I've made wild garlic pesto and it's delicious! I don't often cook with it though as there are so many dogs in Colinton Dell, I always worry about the state of the ground plants for eating....

  4. Nice green and flowers, wonderful post!

  5. love the fresh green!

  6. Beautiful fresh spring greens!

  7. Oh I love all the spring green and plants and flowers. We are all dealing with the problem of invasives species... Michelle


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