
Thursday 12 February 2015

Melvich beach

Just along the coast from Strathy where we stayed on our trip up to the north of Scotland is Melvich.

Another beautiful beach set in dunes. In fact it feels like two beaches, one alongside the river estuary on one side of the dunes and the sea beach on the other side. We were both fascinated by the patterns of the dunes

and also by the amazing range of stones on the beach 

and lots of seaweed too - particularly interesting to see many seaweeds attached to the rocks with their holdfasts


  1. Pretty views of the beach and coastline.. I love the grasses, rocks and seaweed.. Have a happy day!

  2. pretty dunes, grasses and rocks!

  3. BEAUTIFUL! and similar to our area

  4. Very, very beautiful. I loved Scotland when I visited all those years ago. Thanks.

    Greetings from London.


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