
Monday 23 February 2015

Jazzing up a boring Hat

I bought this lightweight wooly hat recently from a second hand shop, but felt it was missing something. So I added the floral type decoration, which was sitting in a bag of 'broken jewellery' which I recently bought from another second hand shop.

I quite like the way it looks and will be happy to start wearing it once the weather is a wee bit warmer. At the moment it's still weather that demands my thick thermal hat, though it's been beautifully sunny today!


  1. it looks great on you.

  2. __From the rail to the squirrel, to the positions of the stars and sun, nature is slowly (but 'tis gathering speed) moving toward Spring. Now? Guess who has a new
    "wooley" for the warming temps!

    Nifty! _m

  3. Great idea! I like hats, and have a couple of cute wide-brimmed caps that I've decorated with vintage commemorative pins, but I never wear them because I very rarely leave the house. I guess I could wear them indoors.. :)

  4. It looks fantastic on you! Great way to embellish. :)

  5. Anonymous6:40 am

    Great way to jazz up a beanie :D


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