
Thursday 22 January 2015

Musselburgh on a Cold Day

It was a lovely winter's day in Musselburgh yesterday - sunny and still but cold and frosty.

The Boating Pond was frozen over

and alongside the paths in the nature reserve, the frost covered everything


  1. Lovely images! I love the views of the water and sky! Happy Thursday!

  2. Hello there.
    I am a friend of Maureen and Josephina. I wanted to tell you the funny thing that happened this morning.
    She and I were talking about a book that had a line that was particularly memorable to her. The line was, "And that was the last banana I ever ate."

    She couldn't remember the name of the book so I decided to google the line and, wonder of wonders... I only got one hit! And it was your blog! And she had written it to you last March, in response to your post that day!

    We laughed and laughed!

    Have a wonderful day!

  3. Hi Judy, that's hilarious!

  4. Warm wishes, thanks for sharing your lovely photos Juliet

    much love...

  5. I love when water is frozen and the landscape frosted...lovely pictures.

  6. The last pic especially is just lovely! I'd rather see than be there though, as I wouldn't probably even go outside when it was that cold. Thanks for sharing ...

  7. So picturesque ~ lovely to see the blue sky and water, and frosty edged leaves.

  8. I don't think i'll see any frozen water this year... nice shots!

  9. Brrrr .... Our winter is being unseasonably mild!


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