
Tuesday 20 January 2015

Frost and Ice

It's incredibly cold out there today! I had a lovely walk through Colinton Dell, by the Water of Leith, doing my weekly voluntary patrol, picking litter (not much) and recording wildlife (quite a lot).

These icicles were hanging from fallen branches by Colinton Weir

gorse usually blooms all year, but looks particularly striking in the frost

meanwhile the bramble leaves are icy

as are the cones of the larch I studied for Tree Following

and even the ivy leaves in the shade of the larch


  1. Pretty frosty images..Looks like a pretty place to watch the wildlife.. It is great that you help by picking up the litter.. Have a happy day!

  2. Such lovely photos, Juliet ... but what a frosty walk! Small snowflakes here today, but only frost lying.

  3. Good for you. I do ditch-digging 3 times a year, or so. If I keep on top of it it isn't so bad. The frost is beautiful! We have -20 C. this morning. A bit chilly.

  4. really pretty - especially the ivy!

  5. This is an example of how winter holds so much beauty :)

  6. Well as they say - there is not bad weather, just bad clothing. You got the best of a frosty one!

  7. Beautiful winter post. I need to get out when it warms up a bit...


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