
Friday 16 January 2015

Cold and sunny with a light breeze

It is very cold today, but sunny and the wild winds of the last few days have died down to a brisk breeze. I was fascinated by this puddle in the dirt track of the John Muir Walkway at Musselburgh. The right hand part is all icy and the breeze is creating ripples in the left hand side, I love the difference in patterns this creates!

There were lots of birds at Musselburgh Lagoons today, I was most happy to see 17 grey partridges. I hadn't seem the partridges for a few months, though there had been 17 at the beginning of the autumn. So it looks like last year's youngsters that made it through the summer have now made it halfway through the winter! This is great news, specially as the grey partridge is one of the many birds that are struggling in the UK.

I also saw several goldeneye ducks, some of which were performing their courtship dance, which you can read about in this blog post from the RSPB


  1. I love birdwatching, but it's a passion that no one I know shares.. Sounds like you had some lovely scenery! -

  2. neat to see partridges, i bet!

  3. It is a nice photo. I enjoy birds, but I have friends who are fanatics about bird watching.

  4. Hi Juliet,
    Josephine says to tell you she has never seen a partridge, but wonders if they are good to eat.
    She can't type for herself right now as she is completely discombobulated since we moved the bed to the other wall this afternoon. She is not a kitty who embraces the rearrangement of furniture. Sigh...
    ; ) from m and :( from jb

  5. Winter in Scotland.

    For those many of us who have never experienced it, it has an ominous sound - at least to me!

  6. Hi Juliet,

    Interesting how our seasons are reversed.
    Must have been lovely seeing the partridges.
    Happy weekend

  7. Hi Maureen = partridges in general are apparently good to eat but these particular partridges are quite rare and not to be eaten! A bit big for a cat too I'd think!

    Rabbits Guy - out winters are probably a lot less harsh than yours, given we have the gulf stream to protect us, though it is becoming more erratic these days, which is why we've had wilder, colder weather over the last few years.

  8. I am glad the wind is dying down.. Cool sighting of the partridges.. Great shadow shot! Happy weekend!

  9. Great photo. Yes, it is colddddddddd.

  10. we've had some cold weather too. the creek's have half frozen with ice/ snow and the other half has streaming waters. it's a neat look for sure. so glad to hear the grey partridges have survived most of the winter. i think it's a good sign they'll make it through. hope all is well your way. have a great day~

  11. How pretty and odd that the puddle is half ice and half ripples. Lovely to see that 'your' partridges are making it through the winter season.

  12. I would love to see a partridge. How fun that would be!


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