
Tuesday 30 December 2014

Water of Leith

It wasn't so cold today as it was yesterday. I did my regular volunteering stint round Colinton Dell today .I hadn't noticed before today how lovely the gioldenrod seed heads look in winter.

this tiny toadstool growing in the moss is just lovely

and on the same fallen log there's this lovely combination of moss and fungi (this fungus looks like hairy stereum, though I'm not entirely sure)

  and not far away, yet another toadstool (some sort of bell cap) in the dead leaves

I've been learning a lot about fungi this year, though I'm far from being able to identify them all. As to mosses though, I don't have a clue, so I'm looking forward to the forthcoming talk about the mosses and liverworts of the Water of Leith. You can find out more about this talk on the Water of Leith Conservation Trust website.

Lots of birds today as well, including a flock of about 20 redwings  feasting in holly bushes along the mill lade of Redhall Mill. One of the birds fluttered in such a way to show off all the vibrant red under the wing. Beautiful.

for Nature Notes


  1. Great fungi images CGP.

  2. the moss is so bright! pretty!

  3. I was not sure if the birds ate the holly berries, that is good to know..I love the pretty color of the moss and the cute fungi..I wish you and your family all the best in 2015! Happy New Year!

  4. I find that it's much easier to identify mosses than fungi. I'm sure many would not agree. Nice variety of winter plants that you have there!

  5. You are very good at finding special little things in Nature... Happy New Year! .... Michelle


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