
Friday 19 December 2014

Update on my novel

As many readers of this blog know I'm currently working on a novel that is basically about climate change refugees in a future independent Hebrides.

I wrote a very rough first draft of this novel for NaNoWriMo on November 2011.

Today I finished the current draft. It still needs a final edit and polish and may need extra scenes, but at least I have something that looks properly novel shaped.So that's my early Christmas present to myself!

Whether I ever find an agent or a publisher for it is another matter entirely!


  1. I hope you find an outlet for your novel, maybe self-publish?

  2. Brilliant news, Juliet. Sounds fantastic!

  3. Ooh that sounds like a fantastic topic, good luck with publishing, I would buy a hard copy!

  4. Great news, congrats!

  5. Very inspirational .. Good going and good luck with the "shopping about"!

  6. The Age of Miracles is quite a good book. The sun goes wonky and the days get longer and longer. And, of course, this causes climate change. I liked it. Maybe you would like it, too. Looking forward to reading YOUR novel!
    Merry Christmas!
    xo, m & jb

  7. Good for you! I did the NaNoWriMo in 2011 and I've barely touched the novel since. It was based on a pandemic of bird flu followed by an eruption of the Yellowstone Dome. Sound like we're both into post-apocalyptic fiction! I hope to read your novel someday.


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