
Friday 5 December 2014

National Tree Week

As most readers of this blog will have notived, I love trees and woodlands! 

Organised by the Tree Council, National Tree Week (29 November - 7 December 2014) is the UK's annual tree celebration to launch the start of the winter tree planting season.

Every year, organisations across the country support National Tree Week by tunning fun, worthwhile and accessible events, to inspire people to plant trees.

You can find your nearest event here. If you're interested in organising your own event, there are some useful tips here on how to organise successful tree planting activities and you can list your event on the Tree Council website, so that other people can come and join you!

The Tree Council produces a free downloadable poster that event organisers can use to advertise their own National Tree Week events.

Opal Nature meanwhile have a range of inspiring and informative activities to help children learn about trees.

So why not get involved to celebrate the wonder of trees, which bring colour to our landscapes and offer homes for so many of the birds and animals that we love. 

As ever, red text takes you to other pages where you can find out more.


  1. Reminds me of the American folklore figure, Johnny Appleseed, who went across the nation planting apple trees.

  2. Lovely images, I would support national tree week too. Have a happy weekend!

  3. I was wondering why tree week would be during the season when the trees are bare, but then I understood as this is the best season for transplanting.

  4. Hi Juliet,

    Enjoy National Tree week - I also enjoy trees and woodlands.
    have a great weekend

  5. Anonymous4:00 am

    Sounds terrific - I have my own tree planting campaign ;) - well, I plant as many trees as I can on my acreage.

  6. Nice poster! Our tree planting season is pretty well over here. But probably 4,000 - 5,000 small trees and shrubs were planted along our local streams and rivers by volunteers this fall.


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