
Saturday 27 December 2014

Corstorphine Hill Christmas Eve

Crafty Gren Boyfriend and I had a lovely walk round Corstorphine HIll on Christmas eve. The weather was beautiful when we set out, though that didn't last

It was another great day for fungi

jelly ears

velvet shank

jelly antler fungus (sorry for the poor focus in this shot, but the light is lovely in it).

and most excitingly this orange peel fungus. Crafty Green Boyfriend works very near Corstorphine Hill and had told me about this orange peel fungus, but we didn't expect it to still be looking good on Christmas Eve. My camera battery failed after taking the photo above, but Crafty Green Boyfriend helped out by taking the photo below

This autumn has been my best ever season for seeing and identifying wild fungi, you can see more photos of some of the species we've seen by following these links

Fungi in roadside verges in suburban Manchester.

November Fungi on Corstorphine Hill.

stump puffballs in Colinton Dell


  1. How lovely! Our snow has mostly gone. It's so sad! The cats are happy, though!

  2. That sounds the perfect way to spend Christmas Eve,xx Rachel

  3. Good finish for the Year of Fungi!

    Give us a topic for inspiration for 2015.

  4. Anonymous2:38 am

    wow, terrific fungi photos - something I want to get into - the shapes and colours are so amazing - happy Christmas Juliet :D

  5. Ok, you totally beat me in the 2014 Fungi Race! LOL! They are so beautiful. Merry Christmas -still. And happy anticipation of the New Year. xo, m & jb

  6. Very pretty nature scenes and photos. I like the colorful orange peel fungi. Happy Sunday.. I wish you and your family a happy, healthy New Year!


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