
Wednesday 3 December 2014

A road lined with fungi

While we were visiting my parents we were amazed to discover so many fungi! One of the streets near their house had an amazing array of fungi all along its grass verges and even on the town's main street, we found a tree with fungi and ferns growing in abundance.

I've tried to identify all the fungi, but as ever, if you feel I've got my identification wrong, please let me know in the comments section.

 yellow wax cap (above and below)

 this one (above) looks to me like jelly antler fungus, but it's growing on grass under a deciduous tree and it's supposed to grow under conifers in woodland, so it looks like my identification here is wrong - any ideas?

 common funnel fungus

 I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to identify this to species level, but it's a bonnet / bell cap toadstool of some sort. This was growing on a tree on the main road. I've not identified the fern either, but that should be easier.

Fairy parasol

lilac bonnet (or rosy bonnet)

and finally this wonderful specimen

as soon as I saw it I thought 'ballerina' which is another name for the pink waxcap, but i had my doubts about that as it is a) pink and b) not very common. However I then found out there is a white form of the pink waxcap so it could be. Caroline Gill suggested on facebook that it might be a snowy waxcap, so that's another possibility. A lovely waxcap anyway.

Please note I don't know anything about whether any of these fungi are edible. If you want to find out about foraging for fungi, please ask a local expert.


  1. really neat! the last one reminds me of an octopus unfurling its arms!

  2. Kind of like the Week of New Fungi I had in October.

  3. Oh how I love these! I just designed a little Christmas tag with a red and white mushroom on it.

  4. I've always been reluctant about forging for mushrooms, morels being the one exception. Nice shots.

  5. I just adore fungi...they are so interesting and so have some beauties here.

  6. Cool looking fungi.. Great finds and photos.. Have a happy weekend!

  7. They do stir the imagination. Lovely photos.


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