
Saturday 22 November 2014

Late Autumn by the Water of Leith

Beautiful day today for an autumnal walk along the Water of Leith between Roseburn and Dean Village.

vivid green moss on the wall

candle snuff fungi on rotting wood

velvet shank (?) fungi on rotting wood (above and below)

autumnal reflections

a river of leaves

a young grey heron


  1. red leaves
    along this river's flow
    a yawl's course

    __As >a river of leaves< reaches the sea, could not all the leaves... be considered,"a ship at sail?"

    __In positive response to your walk's good photos. _m

  2. How pretty. Our creeks and rivers are now busy with spawning salmon!

  3. Thanks TexWis!

    Thanks for the haiku Magyar, and yes the leaves sometimes are ships and sometimes they clump together and form little islands!

    Rabbits Guy - must be wonderful to see all those salmon, no salmon in the Water of Leith, as there are too many weirs stopping them from getting upriver

  4. Lovely series of images. The mushrooms and heron are my favorites.. Happy Sunday!

  5. Beautiful shots and especially the fungi

  6. I love these shots - especially the river of leaves :)


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