
Wednesday 5 November 2014

grey heron

I felt sorry for this grey heron that I saw yesterday near Colinton Weir on the Water of Leith. For quite a while it was flying around seeming to have been disturbed by some dogs that were playing in the river (though the nearby mallards seemed unpeturbed). It landed eventually in this tree, which made a nice photo opportunity.

for Nature Notes.


  1. i'm sure he was angry his fishing was interrupted. :)

  2. I guess it was the equivalent of getting a telemarketing phone call during dinner!

  3. Grey heron on a gray day in a grey tree.. :) ...the mallards here get very upset when a great blue heron lands and geese chase them off.. Michelle

  4. Poor heron, I hope the dogs left.. Great shot. Enjoy your Thursday!


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