
Saturday 1 November 2014

Autumn woodland

The woods on Corstorphine Hill are stunning in their autumn colours, specially on a sunny day like today!

We found lots of interesting fungi and took lots of photos so we could try and identify the species! We're about half way through the list now and I'll do a blog post tomorrow with photos...

For Shadow Shot Sunday


  1. Ooh, ooh, ooh! Neat-o! The third shot especially says "November" to me. Not sunny here. Chilly, gray, very breezy. Still a beautiful day. However, Miss Josephine does not care for wind, and likes chilly wind even less. That is why she is cuddled in the covers giving herself a bath, Ray seems to be having a day in bed. Good for him! He gets up at 4:15AM weekdays. I am resting in bed, too. Thinking I should go pick up the book the library is holding for me. Did I mention it is chilly out and cozy in? ;) m & the bathing jb

  2. Pretty trees and images.. I always love a view of the trees. Have a happy weekend!

  3. moving south, I miss the brilliance of the northwoods this time of the year (actually, the peak would have been about two weeks ago)

  4. Like finding many little pots of gold hanging from the trees. Lovely.

  5. Yes we have had some beautiful blue skies - looks like more of the same today!


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