
Wednesday 26 November 2014


I recently discovered Chichewa 101, the online course for learning Chichewa, the main language of Malawi. I've no intention of actually trying to develop fluency in the language given I would have very rare opportunity to ever use it and I struggled to learn it to any useful level while I lived in Malawi (particularly given that I taught solely in English and there was another native language spoken in the area I lived in).

However, it is a lovely language and I'm enjoying the regular Chichewa word with definition tweets. Yesterday, I learned what must be my favourite ever Chichewa word.


This translates as village chieftain.

I wish I'd known that while our adorable bunny Anya was alive. It would have been a perfect nickname for her.

She was after all very much our village chieftain.


  1. and she was so adorable too!xx Rachel

  2. Your bunny is so pretty, nice name! Enjoy the rest of your week!

  3. Sounds like a wonderful way to enrich your vocabulary. Today, over here, is thanksgiving, so Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. I like that word. Thanks for the introduction. It must have been quite an experience to live in Malawi and teach English there. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  5. So she does look. Will you ever get another?


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