
Tuesday 11 November 2014

A Mouse in the House!

Yesterday there was a quiet knock at the door and a parcel arrived.

Inside was a very large matchbox

I opened up the matchbox and found, quietly sleeping, a lovely mouse, all wrapped up warmly for the Scottish winter

she stretched and yawned and got out of bed

Thank you Charlotte of Cottontails Baby for sending me this adorable mouse that I won in a competition on the Cottontails Baby Facebook Page. We've named her Martha (I'm currently reading Mark Avery's A Message from Martha (review to follow soon!), and though the Martha in the book is a passenger pigeon, it struck me as a lovely name for a mouse!

Cottontails Baby has a lovely range of toys and games and is notable for having a rabbit Rudolph as floor manager. Their previous floor manager Humphrey was one of the rabbits who won a part in my novel (which is still an ongoing work in progress, but the end at last almost seems to be in sight!)

Charlotte has made some brilliant video spoofs of British TV shows starring some of the animals available in her shop. Follow the links below to view:

The Great Bunny Bake Off.

Springwatch at Cottontails.


  1. A cute mouse at that!

  2. Thanks so much for writing about the little mouse. She looks very happy in her new home ! xx

  3. Charlotte - thank you once again for choosing my name and sending me this adorable mouse, she'll certainly be very happy here!

  4. Anonymous12:43 am

    what a lovely post (and arrival ;) )


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