
Saturday 18 October 2014

Easter Craiglockart Hill

The day started out bright and still and unseasonably warm as we walked up Easter Craiglockart Hill.

A kestrel hovered above the grass, swerved away but held it's own against the rising winds. It dropped right down to hover just a foot or so above the grass then dropped into the grass. It flew up again, nothing in its beak. It flew away to the trees, but still hovered. Then as storm clouds began to gather, another kestrel appeared, hovering over the golf course.

As both kestrels flew off, we walked back into the woods and found this strange looking fungus, which I don't think either of us have seen before, but I've identified it as Purple Jelly fungus (Ascocoryne sarcoides).


  1. I love the fungi, and the puffballs. All sorts of thingies growing in my lawn, too!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  2. That's certainly a very strange-looking fungus. :-)

    Greetings from London.

  3. A beautiful start to your day and I love the fungus...never seen it before.

  4. Neat sighting of the Kestrel.. And the Purple jelly fungi is neat.. Happy Sunday!

  5. So, it's happening on Both sides of the Atlantic. (Cue Jaws music) Strange Fungi!!!
    Snickering in Maryland, m & jb
    Well, actually, jb has flung herself over my midsection as I recline in bed typing this on the laptop, Horrid, bad, nasty viral infection.

  6. Hi Maurren - hope josephina is taking care of you, get well soon!

  7. Toast and jelly picture!

    Unseasonably warm here too and plenty of fun fun-gi!


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