
Thursday 9 October 2014

Dunbar's Close Gardens

It's easy to walk past Dunbar's Close Garden, which is tucked away just off the Royal Mile in Edinburgh. However, it's always worth popping in (as I did yesterday), as it offers a wonderful quiet and tranquil spot in the middle of the city.

 There are lovely views from the garden across to Calton Hill

I was delighted to see this adult hawthorn shield bug in the garden

Shield bugs are lovely insects, colourful and shiny but often difficult to identify as they have so many different life stages and colour variations - see this page for how different hawthorn shield bugs can look.


  1. Pretty garden, a lovely spot to enjoy a walk. The shield bug is neat.. Have a happy weekend!

  2. They are pretty, but pretty damaging, arent' they? Our bugs are slowly disappearing in the cold.

  3. Hi Jennifer, these bugs aren't as far as I know, they're not very common and stick to mostly wild trees


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