
Wednesday 3 September 2014

yew berries, shaggy parasols and a large slug

I took these photos on Monday in Colinton Dell, by the Water of Leith. You can see my photos of the river taken that day here.

Yew berries are looking lovely at the moment, but they're poisonous so don't touch!

There are some very large shaggy parasol toadstools in the hidden meadow near Redhall Gardens

and nearby this large slug, which despite its colour is in fact a black slug (sometimes referred to as the large red slug and black slug to indivate its colour variations! Scientific name Arion ater)

I like the silhouettes of the umbellifers against the cloudy sky


  1. the last shot is really beautiful. :)

  2. You take great photos, Juliet, long shot and close-up.

  3. Love the shots especially the black and white. I have never seen yew berries before...fascinating.

  4. Want more slugs? We can ship a lifetime supply from here!


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