
Saturday 27 September 2014

Spiders on Arthurs Seat

Lovely weather today, sunny and warm - perfect for enjoying a wander round Arthur's Seat.

Also perfect weather for spiders. Here's a flower spider of some sort, waiting on the yarrow flowers to catch a small beetle or fly.

And here is a golden orb spider hunting a fly, the photo isn't properly in focus, but the spider still looks impressive.

and here is the spider, in slightly better focus after she'd caught and eaten the fly


  1. i think they're fascinating - as long as i don't walk into them. :)

  2. Very nice. Spiders are fascinating.

  3. Anonymous8:29 am

    ooh not that keen on spiders but they do make a good subject for photography

  4. Beautiful sky shot and the spider is cool. Great find.. Have a happy Sunday and new week ahead!

  5. Watching spiders make their webs is the most fascinating thing. I saw one the other day in the center of his web. Since I didn't have my glasses, I leaned in to get a better view, and scared the bejeebers out of the poor thing! He scurried waaay to the top on one of his web's long stabilizing wires. And just sat there. Probably glaring at me. oh well.

  6. really nice set; have a good Sunday; happy you visited my blog

    much love...


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