
Wednesday 17 September 2014

People's Climate March

This month, heads of state are going to New York City for a historic summit on climate change. To co-incide with this people across the world will be joining the People's Climate March.

The March calls for Action, Not Words. We need to take action NOW to create a world safe from the risks and ravages of climate change.

There are marches taking place across the world, you can find the one closest to you on this map

Marches in Scotland are happening in Glasgow, Edinburgh, Stirling and Inverness. (There may be others too!). 

And if there's one thing we can predict about how Scotland will look after the results of tomorrow's independence referendum, it's that we'll still be facing climate change!


  1. I hope everyone who can, keeps the pressure on and education going. You can begin to sense that the big money places, companies, and people are beginning to think more about this and adjust their ideas about where to invest/spend/put that money in order to better benefit. Selling coal, for example, is probably losing favor.

  2. I truly admire your steadfast enthusiasm for ecological causes, Juliet.

  3. Nothing within my reach, it seems. There are signs that some of our conservatives are beginning to look for wiggle room on this. Denial is not what it used to be.

  4. Correction: The map didn't make this clear, but googling "people's climate march" (an action I strongly recommend) led me to a march to move from Central Park West to the UN. I'll be there.

  5. Did you get to read the interview with Naomi Klein in The Guardian last weekend and on Monday? She was ever so eloquent and articulate about the whole climate change situation and how so many people have reneged on their promises. We need a radical approach to the way we deal with climate change.

    Greetings from London.

  6. Thinking of you all today with the vote (which is now over but still being counted).


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