
Tuesday 30 September 2014

Corstorphine Hill

It was a lovely morning to take a group round Corstorphine Hill in Edinburgh. Apart from walks along the Water of Leith, this was the first time I'd lead a general nature walk rather than a birdwatching walk. We found plenty to keep us interested from the spider webs draped over hedges, some of them with rather large spiders in them, to amazing fungi, lots of hoverflies, late blooming flowers and evidence of rabbits (though no actual rabbits).

The stars of the show though were the birds. We saw four buzzards, probably a family group, circling over the hill, calling to each other, we also had an excellent view of a treecreeper and most excitingly a brilliant view of a nuthatch. Nuthatches are slowly moving into Scotland from the north of England and Corstorphine Hill is one of only two places in Edinburgh where they are likely to be seen (the other place is the birdfeeder outside the Rangers House in Hermitage of Braid). 'Our' nuthatch was perched facing down the tree trunk and pecking very loudly on the tree trunk to move pieces of bark to get at the insects underneath.

Meanwhile I've just added another chopstick bag to the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop


  1. Nuthatches are neat-o.

    Juliet, can you mention a little about how you have come by your love and knowledge of All Things Natural? If you want to, of course.

  2. Anonymous7:18 am

    Sounds like a lovely walk - you might have to go a little earlier to catch those bunnies.

  3. Maureen - I'll do that sometime in the next week or so, that's a good idea

    Gabrielle - near Corstorphine Hill there's a hotel where bunnies oftem sit on the lawn, at all times of day!


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