
Monday 25 August 2014

Tree Following End of Summer

The larch tree is still green and the new cones still look young

the elder bush that grows just under the larch is now in fruit, though the berries aren't ripe yet

the sycamore tree near the larch has got tar spot

 Tar spot is an unsightly fungus, but doesn't seem to affect the health of the tree. OPAL are asking people to take part in their tar spot survey.

On the other side of the river the hornbeam trees are coming into their most beautiful time of year, their chandeliers are starting to turn yellow

Meanwhile, I've added another photo to the downloadable photo section of the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop.


  1. Anonymous2:19 am

    Hey Juliet,
    I'm still enjoying following the larch with you. A little late commenting tonight as I was extremely unwell for a couple of days. But coming around now.
    Three day migraine=ugh.
    Larch= yippee!

  2. My goodness....I'm lovin' all the different trees. I don't think I've ever heard of a larch tree before.

  3. Everything is still pretty green! Our maple tree has tar spots.

  4. Lovely images of your tree following! Enjoy your day!

  5. Hi Josephina, hope you're feeling better now.

    Hootin Anni - larch is a very interesting tree...

    Karen - the leaves are just starting to turn, but mostly yes everything is still green...

    Eileen - thanks

  6. I didn't know what those spots were called and I know we have some spots on a lot of plants from the cold wet spring.. Lovely to follow a tree.. I wish I had kept up with mine for the meme...Michelle

  7. It's happy and sad. Bittersweet. I've had enough gardening, though!

  8. This a beautiful tree and I have the same tar fungus on my maples.


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