
Thursday 7 August 2014

Hairy willowherb

Hairy willowherb is in full bloom at the minute and it's lovely to see it growing in very urban settings, such as here next to a wall in the Meadows area of Edinburgh. It's one of the flowers that first got me really interested in Botany. When I first saw this plant (on a family holiday, in Cornwall I think) I thought it was incredibly beautiful and then realised it wasn't in the flower book I had so I rushed out to buy another flower book! (You can see a closer photo of the flowers in this earlier blogpost).

I'm taking part in 100DaysofNature, by posting a photo of nature every day. Not all the photos will appear in this blog, but all of them will be on my Flickr page and shared through my Twitter and Facebook accounts.


  1. A weird name for a pretty flower. Happy weekend!

  2. It looks like an invasive species here: jewelweed! Mine are 7' tall!

  3. Hi Juliet,
    Your posts make me happy.
    Thanks. :) m & jb

  4. Lotsa pictures!!!

  5. Methinks that Harry Willowherb would make a fine faerie name! :)

    Have a beautiful day!

    The Collage Pirate


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