
Saturday 2 August 2014

Arthur's Seat in the mist

It was very misty today, interspersed with lots of rain. Arthur's Seat more or less disappeared.

We enjoyed our walk though. The vipers bugloss looks brighter than ever in the mist

and the parent birds are still busily bringing up their young, who are mostly adolescent by now 

mute swans

carrion crows (though possibly a touch of hooded crow in this family too, judging from the grey in the adult's neck)


  1. The foggy scene is a lovely way to start off your walk. The flowers and swans are beautiful. Have a happy weekend!

  2. swans can be vicious little creatures

  3. Thanks eileen.

    Gerald, yes they can indeed, always be careful round swans!

  4. With that cozy and the French press - you will have some great coffee. Don't need much, but it will be a treat!

  5. Maybe swans are grumpy because they don't get enough coffee! LOL!

  6. You have such a wonderful outlook!


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