
Wednesday 16 July 2014

Woven Mug Cosy

I wove myself this mug cosy from some left over black wool that Crafty Green Boyfriend's Mum had given me. I added a nice button from my button collection and now my tea stays warm for longer! I may also add an extra bit to the top so I can tie the two sides together over the mug handle.

I'll be making more of these as gifts and possibly to add to the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop.

Talking of Etsy, after yesterday's beachcombing at Musselburgh, I've added a couple of items to the beach finds section of the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop you can see them here and here

Also over on Etsy, I've just put together a treasury of crafts from or inspired by Scottish Islands. For those of you not familiar with Etsy, a treasury is a themed collection of items made by other Etsy sellers.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. This would come in handy for those extra-hot cups of coffee!

  2. I like the button closure and the overall dimensions of the cozy.
    My first cup of tea in the morning Must Be Hot. After that, I can drink it hot or room temperature or anything in between. Just no sugar. And lots of soy milk, please and thank you.
    How do you like your tea?

  3. Hi Maureen, I like my tea black and unsweetened. I like my coffee black, decaffeinated and unsweetened though i also like cappuccino once in a while!

  4. Cute idea for a mug warmer..


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