
Saturday 12 July 2014

Wester Craiglockart Hill

We were foraging for raspberries on Wester Craiglockart Hill today. Loads of fruit to pick and loads more left for anoy other berry pickers in town!

Lovely to see the Lady's Bedstraw in full bloom too

and this particularly beautiful patch of it growing through the gorse

We were also delighted to see this beautiful adult shield bug (Pentatoma rufipes Red-legged Shieldbug)

You can find out more about this species of shield bug and the various life-stages it goes through here. It's worth clicking on the link and scrolling down a wee bit just to see the eggs of this species!

As ever, red text in this post contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. The raspberries look yummy. I am seeing them around here too.. The flowers are lovely. Your shield bug looks a lot like the stink bugs we have here. Great post, have a happy weekend!

  2. Hi Eileen, the raspberries are very yummy! The shield bug doesn't stink, thankfully!

  3. Hi Juliet,
    Only you could find Happy Faces on bug eggs. LOL!

    I am dreading the possible appearance of Wheel Bugs this summer. They go after oak-eating caterpillars, which is fine. But their proboscis-sting is said to be more painful than a rattlesnake bite. The wound can take weeks-to-months to heal. I'm afraid of Josephine getting bit, as Wheel Bugs are clumsy in the grass and she could encounter, pat, and get bitten. And I almost sat down on one last year. They hide everywhere.
    Ok, can you see I am afraid of them?

    Any calming words of wisdom from my Green blogging friend?

  4. Hi Maureen, your wheel bugs sound like our fruit bugs, I got bitten by one of thse and my leg swelled right up for a week and I had to take antibiotics. No, that isn't very reassuring is it?

  5. the shield bug is neat!

  6. This is the most poetic time of year!!! We are getting raspberries and blackberries on our property!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!


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