
Wednesday 2 July 2014

Plovers, moths and vetches

I was very excited to see my first golden plovers for over 15 years today, three of them at Musselburgh. Beautiful birds, but far too far away to even try to take a photo! My 100th species for the year too! (You can see my up to date bird list for the year here).

Also excited to see my first burnet moth for many years, which obligingly stayed still for a photo

(Well actually two photos, the other is available to buy as a digital download in the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop here). 

The whole grassland area by the side of the John Muir Walkway is a mass of wildflowers at the moment, mostly vetches and clovers

And the air full of the sound of reed buntings, meadow pipits and skylarks.

Beautiful summer!


  1. Wow that second picture looks like a painting. So beautiful. Love that lush and deep green. Have a great day!

  2. Pretty little bugs on your side of the pond!
    (ツ) from Cottage Country Ontario , ON, Canada!

  3. glad you got to see the golden plover again!

  4. A pretty shot of the moth and the field of wildflowers is gorgeous. Lovely images.. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  5. Too late to plant, too early to harvest .. time to let Ma Nature do the work and just enjoy it all!

  6. Congratulations on the Golden Plover siting. What a joyous thing. Thank you for allowing us to share, vicariously, in these moments of celebrating nature. They make life more worthwhile.

  7. Beautiful summer day joys you share here. That is a beautiful moth!


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