
Monday 7 July 2014

Giveaway Winner

About a month ago, I opened a giveaway for a copy of Bougainvillea Dancing, the pdf updated version of my first poetry pamphlet, which now includes added poems, short stories and photos, all inspired by my time in Malawi. (This year is Malawi's 50th year as an independent nation.)

I wrote the names of the entrants on pieces of paper and put them in a hat and asked Crafty Green Boyfriend to draw out a name.

And the winner is: Kat Mortensen who blogs at The Benevolent Vegan and at Poetikat Unbound.

Congratulations Kat! I'll send you the pdf of Bougainvillea Dancing tomorrow morning!

Bougainvillea Dancing is also available to buy in the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop; on Lulu or direct from me if you email me. In all cases it is only available as a pdf.

I've no current plans to make it available in any other formats, but if you think I should make it available in other formats, please feel free to use the comments section below to state which would be your preferred format and why.


  1. congrats to your winner!

  2. Anonymous9:58 pm

    Wow! I seriously never win anything, so this is a thrill. I look forward very much to reading your wonderful work. Thank you so much!

  3. I love it! "Crafty Green Boyfriend!"


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