
Wednesday 30 July 2014

Butterflies and other insects, Dalmeny Estate

We had a lovely walk today from Cramond Brig through the Dalmeny Estate to South Queensferry (where we had started our boat trip yesterday!).

This is always a good walk for spotting butterflies and other insects and today was no different!

Lots of butterflies flying around, though only this meadow brown posed for a photo:

(We'll enter our butterfly sightings into the Big Butterfly Count

Also we saw lots of bees, including this handsome creature, too busy to stop to pose, which I think is a male bombus lapidarius and I've added my sighting to the Bumblebee Conservation Trust's BeeWatch site, which will confirm my identification as well as adding my sighting to their database!

Plus lots of hoverflies, of which I only got a devent photo of this one (and I don't know the species, so any ideas, please let me know in the comments!)

and interesting wasp species too, but no photos of the insects, only of this nest, which has been dismantled by something, recently too as there are still grubs in there.

Plus we saw this green bottle

We walked along the beach for a while, it's beautiful with shells

Click on the images to see them enlarged!

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. summer meadow
    butterfly passing through
    the viewfinder

  2. Lots of wonderful nature here. Sad about the wasp nest...

  3. A lovely walk with pretty nature scenes. The butterfly is lovely..And I love the beach! Wonderful series of photos.

  4. Paper wasps? Must be a healthy part of the ocean there!

  5. Anonymous5:13 am

    wow, that's a lot of shells (and just love the bee) :)

  6. Have never seen so many shells on a beach! And, I am sorry to say, I DID see my first Wheel Bug yesterday. Sigh. ( Just found out those critters are aka Assassin Bugs? Makes me feel a Whole lot better.)
    Double sigh.


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