
Wednesday 11 June 2014

Signs of Birds

When we visited Scone Palace last week, we were impressed by all the peacocks

and we quickly learnt that they should be treated with the utmost respect

On our walk back from Scone Palace to our B&B in Perth, we were amused by the mallards sitting on the fence here

For Signs, Signs 

A reminder that I'm running a blog giveaway to win a pdf of my book Bougainvillea Dancing, poetry, prose and photos inspired by Malawi. Find out more and enter here.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. Anonymous7:13 pm

    Gorgeous peacock strutting his stuff!

    Had to laugh at the Mallards on the deck fencing. Perhaps they don't enjoy 'deep water'! :D

    Visiting from the Signs challenge,


  2. Also beware of the peahens. :-)

  3. Such pretty birds! Guess they have had problems with humans, thus the signs. :S

  4. They are beautiful, aren't they.. I love the white ones.

  5. Anything with a royal looking coat of many colours like these peacocks have should be treated with respect!

  6. And what times of the year would that be?

    Friend lived next to two peacocks. One yelled "HUH-ELP! HUH-ELP!" and the other one yelled "ME-OW! ME-OW!"

  7. love the warning notice with its disclaimer of liability!

  8. Who would have thought that peacocks could be moody! ;-)

  9. The peacock is beautiful, love that pretty tail.. Enjoy the rest of your week!

  10. I know! They can be aggressive and Noisy!!!

  11. Wow those are some beautiful peacocks. Not to messed with though :-)

  12. Peacocks aren't the any things that can be temperamental! Some days a fight with a peacock looks good.
    Tom The Backroads Traveller

  13. seen from behind
    it doesn't look like much
    the peacock's tail

    Peacock sighting at the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Arcadia, California. They can also be seen on streets and in backyards around town.


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