
Wednesday 14 May 2014

Short Stories for Children

I'm delighted that my second children's story Mr Mouse is now up on the Children's Stories website. It's based on a true story of a vole that one of my Uncles rescued (if you're in the UK, you may have seen my Uncle with the vole on BBC Springwatch Unsprung last year). With my Uncle's permission I changed the protagonist of the story into a young boy. I needed to provide my own illustration for the story, thus proving that perhaps bunnies aren't the only things in the world I can draw!

Talking of bunnies, my first children's short story Anya and the Foxgloves is still up on the Children's Stories website. Anya and her bunny family live in a magical woodland glade, a bit like this one on Calton Hill, in Edinburgh (which is better known for its architectural folly).

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more.


  1. This is awesome news. How exciting for you :)

  2. Great news! Congrats!

  3. Congratulations. This is great news. Lots of lucky kids are going to get a real treat!

  4. I had a nice laugh after reading your story. It felt good.

  5. Oh wow how exciting,xx Rachel


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