
Tuesday 6 May 2014

Lovely lichen and a funny fly!

I love the lichen on the fallen trees in the ancient oak wood at Dalkeith Country Park

and there's a wonderful fly in that last picture, with irridescent wings and bulbous eyes, I've cropped the photo below so you can get a better view. If anyone has any idea what species of fly it is, feel free to let me know in the comments:


  1. Juliet = if you send that photo to Donegal Wildlife on my side bar, I am sure he will identify it for you.

  2. Great macro shots! The fly does have pretty colors. Enjoy your week!

  3. I love these shots. Beauty in the linchen - perfectly captured by you :)

  4. oh creepy looking fly,xx

  5. the fly couldn't allow the lichen the spotlight alone, lol... very nice images. hope all is well.


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