
Saturday 31 May 2014

Arthurs Seat

It felt very like summer on Arthurs Seat today.

The air was scented with the coconut smell of the gorse and the marzipan smell of the hawthorns. Jackdaws were chasing each other round the cliffs and rockier parts of the hill. We had a very brief glimpse of a raven, which dropped the rabbit it had been carrying. Chaffinches were lined up along by the side of the path singing to each other. We also heard willow warblers and a whitethroat. Crafty Green Boyfriend was delighted to get this view of a greenfinch, which can be a very elusive bird.

Then we noticed some swifts flying round so we walked over to get a better view and found ourselves surrounded by about 30 low flying swifts! Crafty Green Boyfriend was very happy to get this photo, a tricky one, as swifts, as their name suggests, fly very quickly indeed.

Butterflies were out too, we saw green-veined white, small white, small copper, small tortoiseshell and a red admiral.

I'm running a blog giveaway to win a pdf of my book Bougainvillea Dancing, poetry, prose and photos inspired by Malawi. Find out more and enter here.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more. 


  1. very pretty. sounds like a great day.

  2. I just Love the bird pictures. Crafty Green Boyfriend does such a great job.

  3. Never really considered that a raven can pick up a rabbit. We're always careful to go outside with Josephine. We have hawks here and she's only 8 pounds.

  4. Sounds like an awesome day.. Great birds and butterflies. Happy weekend!

  5. lovely Photos Juliet,xx Rachel

  6. What a beautiful place to visit. And that shot of the swift is amazing! :)

  7. Great photos. I always get butterflies in my stomach when I set out on a walk at this time of year - everything in nature is so exciting


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