
Friday 11 April 2014

Wester Craiglockart Hill

It was quite blustery today but the birds were singing at full volume on Wester Craiglockart Hill. We explored some new paths and found some new views.

There are small areas of important acid grassland on this hill, but they officially need more rabbits for them to be kept in perfect condition. There seemed to be plenty of rabbits there today!


Chiffchaffs proclaim their name
sometimes getting it wrong
in their keenness to display

chiff-chaff chaff-chiff chiff

the blackcap's fluid warble hides
among the blackbird's melodies
and the tiny wren's loud rattle

everywhere is birdsong

and I would rather go deaf
before the birds themselves disappear
taking their songs with them

this music lost forever.

see this article: Songbirds in decline – a tragedy for Britain's culture, as well as its environment in Guardian Environment

for NaPoWriMo.


  1. how pretty! the skies are beautiful!

  2. so many beautiful images. hope the rabbits are enjoying themselves. i think nature song is so much better than listening to real music. it's so peaceful and uplifting. your poem was great... have a wonderful weekend~

  3. Hi Juliet,

    Lovely place where you went out walking.
    How sad to hear that the songbirds are declining and would be nice if that can be rectified.

    happy weekend

  4. You've captured the wild and windy conditions beautifully in your photographs, Juliet. I especially like the the first one.

  5. Lovely poem and great shots.

  6. I love this time of year,xx Speedy

  7. It is wonderful to be on an outing with all the spring birds singing..What a pretty place for a walk, lovely views. Have a happy weekend!

  8. luv birdsongs, need them in my life; have a nice weekend

    and please share at my blog on Tuesday 22nd April - 'Earth Day' and Thursday April 24th - 'A Poem In Your Pocket Day', there will be a linky on both those daysunch Break, i invite you to stop by and link up; oh, and please share at my blog on Tuesday 22nd April - 'Earth Day' and Thursday April 24th - 'A Poem In Your Pocket Day'

    much love…

  9. Great pix, nice poem. I love "get it wrong."


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