
Sunday 13 April 2014

Nesting and Blooming

Lots of nesting activity in Inverleith Park yesterday. This coot's nest (above) looks like a piece of modern art, I think the coot used a floating stack of vegetation and added to it. Meanwhile, this mute swan is busy building her nest safely fenced away from the rest of the world.
Over in the Royal Botanic Gardens, it's the season for rhododendrons and azaleas. Here's just a selection:

and if you feel inclined, you can dance over to my Shapeshifting Green blog for my contribution to NaPoWriMo for today.


  1. lovely signals of spring.

  2. It is cool seeing the birds on their nest! Your spring is way ahead of ours! I am just seeing the daffodils blooming in our yard.. Love the rhodos and the azaleas, they are beautiful blooms. Enjoy your week ahead!

  3. Lots of Rhodies and Azaleas bloom here too - in another week or two. Gorgeous colors and huge pretty blooms ...

  4. I just love Spring!xx rachel


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