
Sunday 20 April 2014

By the River Almond

Walking to Edinburgh Airport may not sound like the most appealing of Easter walks, but if you choose the River Almond Walkway to get there, it really is a wonderful walk. Specially at this time of year.

The river is beautiful and surrounded by lots of trees, opening out to fields further upstream. 

 The spring flowers are blooming everywhere, lots of wood anemone as in the photo below.
 The photo below shows bluebells, wild leeks and a celandine.
The birds were singing everywhere too, including blackcaps, chiffchaffs, robins and wrens in the woodland and skylarks above the fields. The sand martins were flying about above the river near their colony of  holes in a sandbank and we had a wonderful view of a kingfisher as it flew past us downstream. We were delighted to see two brown hares, distant views of just their ears sticking out above the grass, but still, lovely to see them at Easter! Plus there were a lot of butterflies about. Crafty Green Boyfriend took this photo of two peacocks

and this of a small tortoiseshell

though we didn't manage to get any photos of the orange tip butterflies, which weren't as numerous as they normally are on this walk.

heat haze -
a swallow dips down
to the river.

for NaPoWriMo


  1. A gorgeous walk, thanks for taking me along. I love views, flowers and the pretty butterflies. Enjoy your day and week ahead!

  2. What a glorious walk and almost in the middle of the city. Loved it. Happy Easter to you both.

  3. Happy Easter Juilet, thanks for dropping in at my blog

    much love...

  4. sounds like a wonderful walk

  5. on the way
    to the airport
    spring flowers

    Happy Easter, Juliet.

  6. Hi Juliet,

    this must have been a lovely walk and such a gorgeous place.
    Love the flowers and butterflies.
    Happy Easter

  7. I'd love to have seen hares - but they don't live round here. (Plenty of rats, squirrels too - but they don't have the same seasonal impact!). Imagine it was a bit muddy?

  8. Hello Juliet and happy Easter Holidays, your photos are as ever, like your city, superb.


  9. Hello Juliet, happy Easter holidays, your photos, like your city, are always superb.


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