
Thursday 27 March 2014

Tree Following 3: Female flowers, larch

I can't believe I've never noticed these gorgeous little female flowers on the larch before!

The long tailed tits were flitting round the tree, certainly they seem very much at home there, though I didn't see them visiting their nest. 

For Tree Following 

Also beautifully in bloom nearby were the celandines


  1. Exquisite flowers, Juliet. How strange that they resemble the cones in shape (or is that just my imagination?).

  2. Hi Caroline, yes you're right, they do resemble the cones in shape.... I had tried to get a photo of mature cone and flower together but it didn't focus properly

  3. Gorgeous indeed

  4. Lovely blossoms and flowers.. Spring is beautiful with the trees blooming.. Have a happy weekend!

  5. Such lovely little blossoms. I'm so glad that Spring is finally here, even though the weather doesn't seem to be able to make up its mind.

  6. Those wee pink blossoms are adorable!

  7. Really neat to see the female flowers/cones! We don't have larches here, and I've seen them only a few times, on some travels.


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