
Wednesday 12 March 2014

Spring Yellows

The pussy willow trees are amazing at the moment (these are male trees, female trees tend to bloom later than the males and the female catkins are longer and thinner).

I love that some of the catkins are still grey and furry while others are opening out gradually and some are almost entirely yellow with the emerging flowers. The first bee of the year was buzzing round in the top of this tree while I was taking the photos.

More spring yellow with this wonderful heart formed lichen (I think it's Xanthoria parietina, but feel free to correct me if I'm wrong). It doesn't always grow in a heart shape, that's just a lucky accident....

For Nature Notes

Meanwhile I'm delighted to have my plastic bag organiser included in this upcycled 'spring greens' treasury on Etsy.

And I've just added another larger drawstring bag to the Crafty Green Poet Etsy shop - this one is suitable for storing a descant recorder, a tin whistle or incense sticks.

As ever, red text contains hyperlinks that take you to other webpages where you can find out more


  1. I love how Mother Nature made a heart there :)

  2. A pussy willow in full blossom is a lovely sight!

  3. Lovely collection of yellows.. Pretty images. Enjoy your week!

  4. Sweet! Daffodils coming out here now!

  5. You have just made my evening. What beautiful photos! :-) spring is one of my two favourite seasons.

    Thanks fo ryour comments on my recent post on Scotland. Much appreciated.

    Greetings from London.

  6. Oh I can't wait to see some buds myself. I love the heart and will head over to your Etsy shoppe...Michelle

  7. snapping a photo
    the first bee of the year
    buzzing around

  8. lovely pussy willows. Bradford pears are blooming here

  9. Anonymous9:20 am

    Hi Juliet, we have nominated your blog for The Lighthouse Award!
    Kaye, Kay, and everyone at Woodland Matters


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