
Monday 17 March 2014

Blogging Award - The Lighthouse Award

I was honoured to receive the Lighthouse Award from Woodland Matters, the campaigning blog of the Woodland Trust.


The award was created by Coach Muller at ‘Good Times Stories’ who says this is
“an award to recognize the people who have created beautiful, heartwarming, and inspirational blogs. Their blogs bring us happiness, enlighten our hearts, and bring a little joy to our lives when we visit their pages. The work that these people have done has truly given us rays of light in a gloomy world."

So I have to choose a few blogs to pass this award on to, and to make it slightly easier for myself, I'll restrict the choice to nature related blogs:

Wild and Wonderful - Caroline's knowledgeable blog about British wildlife.

Weaver of Grass - nature and rural life in northern England 

Where Beechmast Falls - nature notes from England's New Forest.

Ben Cruachan - Duncan's nature notes and poetry from Australia

and, three blogs which give me a useful insight into birds in the USA:

Viewing Nature with Eileen for her wonderful views of American birds and skies

Rambling Woods, the Home of Nature Notes and Michelle's campaigning for Monarch butterflies and other species and for her lovely photos of her garden birds

Run A Round Ranch Report - more bird photos from the USA, specially Whistling Ducks. Oh and horses too. 

There are many others too! 



  1. This is lovely..thank you so much. Please take my "Green Thinker-I Give Voice to the Planet" Award that I made in memory of my late friend and wildlife rehabber...Michelle

  2. A lovely award and thank you, Juliet!

  3. Thank you, Juliet, so much. I feel very grateful for this. Perhaps at some point you would explain what I need to do by way of response/passing on. Thank you.

  4. first, congratulations to you. then, thank you so very much for honoring me. i appreciate it very much. :)

  5. How lovely that you were so beautifully recognized. And how lovely that, among others, you passed it on to Pat.

  6. Thank you Juliet! A lovely surprise and I feel very honoured.

  7. Congratulations on the big win. It must be an amazing honor.

  8. Congratulations on the award - very well-deserved.

  9. Congratulations Juliet on a well-deserved Lighthouse Award :)

    I will check out the ones you nominated (I already follow a couple of them!)

  10. Well-deserved, indeed, Juliet. Visiting your blog is always a joy.


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